碧城中文学校 (Peoria Chinese Language School)
这里,是一方热土,孩子,家长,老师和志愿者们正在辛勤耕耘;这里,有笑声朗朗的课堂,打开的一本本中文书,传承着中华文化;这里,那盛开的美丽花朵,为北美文化又增添一道绚烂色彩-----这就是碧城中文学校,一个孩子们学习中的乐园。碧城中文学校由当时本地为数不多的几个华人家庭于1997年成立的.经过十多年的发展,碧城华人社区已经成长为近500 个家庭1000 多成员的团体, 而学校则由最初的不到10名学生发展到如今的一百多名注册学生,年龄从5岁幼儿到40岁的成年人不等,包含了第二代华人移民,美国家庭领养的中国孩子以及热爱中华文化的美国人士。碧城中文学校已经发展为伊利诺伊中部最大的华人中文学校。 目前的碧城中文学校有近十几个中文班级,以不同年级和语言程度划分。学前班儿童和中小学生可以根据自己的中文程度选择相应的班级,成人班主要面向无中文背景的当地成年人士。中文学校在教授中文之余, 还开有丰富的课外兴趣辅导, 如舞蹈,乐器,美术,围棋,书法等。每年的华人新年和碧城World Festival中文学校的学生都会将他们的学习成果和各自的才能以表演的形式来和社区分享与展示。中文学校除了在大碧城地区传播中华文化,近期为了适应碧城当地及周边企业如Caterpillar Inc, State Farm, OSF Hospital, Methodist Hospital, etc. 与中国日益渐增的商业联系以及企业多元化的需求,中文学校正在规划走进企业,筹划开办商业中文班, 班级将面向当地企业的职场商业人士, 内容将覆盖中文语言,中华文化,中国历史地理,职场礼仪,相关法律等。
真诚欢迎广大家长前往学校观摩及参加多项免费活动,也可发Email到 peoriazwxx@gmail.com 查询相关事宜。
教师成员 (Staff)
校长 (Principle) : Ms. Mengrong Taylor
中文教师 (Chinese Teacher) : Ms. Yu Chen
中文教师 (Chinese Teacher) : Ms. Mingqin Wang
中文教师 (Chinese Teacher) : Ms. Li Li
烹饪教师 (Cooking Teacher) : Ms. Wen Wen
国际象棋教师 (Chess Teacher) : Mr. Philip Taylor
国际象棋教师 (Chess Teacher) : Mr. Marc Nazario
国际象棋教师 (Chess Teacher) : Mr. Fabian
手工老师 (Craft Teacher) : Ms. Ying Chen
美术老师 (Painting Teacher) : Ms. Tong Xu
儿童唱诗班老师 (Kids Bible Song Teacher) : Mrs. Kristy Sherman
音乐 / 钢琴老师 (Music / Piano Teacher) : Ms. Mei Zhou
音乐老师 (Music Teacher) : Ms. Melinda Worsham
财务 (Treasurer) : Ms. Zhe Song
网络技术支持 (Tech Support) : Mr. Jianlong Xu
Peoria Chinese Language School By-Law
I. Nature of the School
1. Chinese School is a non-profit organization, which is operated by the elected school board and owned by all school members.
2. Peoria Chinese Language School is part of Peoria Chinese Association (PCA).
Goal of the School
1. Provide the environment for students to learn Chinese language and culture.
2. Provide social opportunities for Chinese children to communicate and to make friends.
3. Provide opportunities for local non-Chinese people to learn Chinese language.
II. School Membership
1. Members of the school consist of the students and their parents.
2. One family has one membership seat, and one vote during school election and other electoral events.
Responsibilities of Members
Members' support and participation are vital to success of the school. The board encourages school members to actively involve in school affairs and welcomes suggestions and recommendations to make the school better. The board especially asks the members to fulfill the following responsibilities:
1. Cooperate with the board members and teachers to allow the school function properly;
2. Support and encourage your children to learn Chinese language and culture;
3. Support and make the effort to participate school sponsored activities;
4. Perform the assigned duties by the board;
5. Pay school fees on time;
6. Respect all the decisions made by the board and the all-member meetings.
1. The school advisory committee consists of three people: the current PCA chair (by default), two additional people that are nominated and elected by school members.
2. The role of school advisory committee includes the followings:
1. Review school budget and spending
2. Approve tuition and teacher's salary changes
3. Approval bylaw revision.
IV. School Board
1. The school board consists of six members: Principal, Vice-Principle, Director-School Operation, Director-School Fundraising, Treasurer, and IT support;
2. Principal is nominated and elected by school members in annual all-member meeting, and approved by school advisory committee. The annual all-member meeting is held at the end of each school year.
3. The following positions are appointed by principal: Vice-Principle, Director-School Operation, Director-School Fundraising, Treasurer, and IT support
4. Term of the board membership is one school year (June 1 to May 31);
5. Board member(s) can be re-elected
Responsibilities of the School Board
School board is responsible for regular administration that ensures the proper and effective function of our school. The board is also responsible for making long term planning for the success and growth of the school. Board members work together to make decisions. Any decision of major issues will involve all board members on equal basis. These major issues include, but are not limited to:
1. Selecting proper site for the school;
2. Selecting text books;
3. Curriculum planning, adding new class/classes and merging existing classes;
4. Appointing new teacher(s);
5. Organizing school activities;
6. Planning school budget, teach salary and tuition
In the event that the board thinks the decision of a certain major issue should involve all members, the board has the right to call an all-member meeting to resolve the issue.
Particular Responsibility of Each Board Member
Principal Representing the school in all-external affairs and making decisions on regular administrative issues, and participating in board decision on major issues;
Vice-Principal Assisting the principal on daily administrative issues, taking minutes during the board meeting and the all-member meetings, and participating in board decision on major issues;
Director-School Operation: Maintain school regular operation, school communication, school event planning,
Director-School Fundraising: coordinate school fundraising events, promote school brand awareness
IT- Support Maintain school website, school news release
Treasurer Preparing budget draft, collecting tuition fee, paying teachers' compensation, reimbursing expense used for school-related materials and events, preparing financial report, and participating in board decision on major issues.
In the event of absence of the principal, vice-principal can act on behalf of the director in external events.
V. School Budget
1. School budget will be made base upon the non-profit principle. School fund is collected from parent as tuition and miscellaneous fees. The fund is used to pay teacher’s compensation, to pay school rent, teaching material for school, and the expense of school sponsored activities. School fund can not be used for any personal purposes.
2. The projected school expenses mentioned above determine the total amount of tuition and miscellaneous fee. The numbers of classes, students and school days vary from semester to semester. As a result, the budget will be made for each semester and the amount of tuition will also vary from semester to semester to reflect these changes.
3. The school budget balance sheet should be published at the end of each school year.
4. Single non-regular operational spending over $500 would need advisor committee approval
School Fees
1. There will be up to 40% refund if the students withdraw before the middle of the semester. There will be no refund on tuition and miscellaneous for withdrawing students after the middle of the semester. With exception of special cases such as relocation of the family to another city, the refund may apply by board approval.
2. In the rare event that school fund is short and unable to meet the school expenses due to some special reasons, the board has the right to collect additional fees to keep the school running.
Teachers and Teacher's Compensation
Teachers play a very significant role for the success of the school. A token compensation will be given to teachers to show the appreciation of parents for the time and effort teachers put in for the school.
1. Teacher's compensation is based upon the number of the class hours he/she teaches;
2. Teacher's salary is paid by end of each month
3. Rate of the teachers' compensation will be determined during budgeting process;
4. If a teacher decides to resign from the position, he/she should notify the board two-week in advance to allow time for the board to find replacement;
Tuition Discount
1. We encourage parents to become school teachers. To attract and maintain good teachers, the board decides teachers' children qualify for tuition discount. The discount is 40% off regular tuition on one of his/her children.
2. To attract more students for the school, families with two or more children also qualify for tuition discount 20% per additional kids (e.g, 2nd 20%, 3rd 40%, etc.)
3. Teachers can only receive one type of discount (will not qualify for multiple children's discount after applying teachers' discount).
4. Principal special discount: based on voluntary work of school member contributed to the school, principal can reduce or waive the student tuition for the school member. Principla special discount can be combined with other discounts mentioned above.
VI. Ratification of Bylaw
1. Any proposal of modification of the by-law should be made by the board;
2. Ratification of the by-law requires absolute majority votes of all members, and approved by advisory committee.
3. The by-lay will become effective immediately after member's ratification;
4. The school by-law should not be modified more than once during one school year.
Revised 07/24/2013