碧城中文学校是一个非盈利组织,我们的运营仰赖于学生家长 和社会各界的支持和帮助。如果您愿意贡献一份力量,欢迎您 为中文学校捐款。我们将为您提供捐款收据以做税务申报备用 。如果您有中文或者英文版的图书愿意捐给学生们阅读,我们 也非常欢迎。
Peoria Chinese Language School is a non-profit organization. Our operation relies on the support from parents and community. We welcome and appreciate your donation and help. We will provide donation receipt for your tax return. Any donation of Chinese or English books are also welcome.
如果使用Paypal捐款,请付给 (If using Paypal, please payable to): peoriaChineseLanguageSchool@gmail.com
如果您希望通过支票捐款,请注明收款人 (If you prefer using check, please make it payable to): Peoria Chinese Language School